Monday, 14 November 2011

Recording new song In Borroloola and Winanjjikari.

Gadrian and Mum Nancy doing translations
Nancy, Gadrians mum songwriting.
Gadrian recording Vocals.
Gadrian at the Desk
Gadrian mixing

Sandridge Band Photo Shoot

The Band
Family Photo
Gadrian, Ricky, Bruce, Warrick, Partric, Leon.
Hand Unite
Gadrian and Bruce
Shot Number 1

Friday, 4 November 2011

Stage 3 November Visit

Ricky and Gadrian Listening to The Final Masters of the New album.
Moo Moo And Gadrian.
The good old WMC troupie .

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Studio MIxing week and Special Guest Shellie Morris

Shellie Morris adding the finishing touches on the Cake.
The Studio in the old Morgue in Borrolloola.
Gadrian and Shellie Morris Working on Brolga Song
Ryan Little Man checking out the Desk

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Film Clip Week

Moo Moo Bruce and Ricky setting up the film Set
Filming "Right way to Go Film Clip"
Tim Cole and Shellie Morris from the Song People Sessions sharing studio space with us.
Gadrian getting onto the APRA web site.
Leon and Jeff Synicing Cameras
Gadrian and Leon on the Editing Computer.
Leon Filming Bruce
Jeff Filming Brucey

Friday, 8 July 2011

The Boonu Boonu Festival NAIDOC Week Band night.

Mungai Getting up with Sandridge

Sandridge Band With Woo Woo's Niece Singing "Living on the Island"
TL shows that the Camera man can have fans too
Koolamindindi Band. What a great group.
Malindari Band
Woo Woo has the Power
Binnu Band
Binnu Band all the way from Croker Island.
The Crowed Arrives
last minute speaker lead repair
The Desk Situaltion
Koolamindindi Sound Check
Leon, Moo Moo and Ricky

Gulf Style Keyboard Stand.
Woo WOO Getting the Leads out
Getting ready to set up